lis 23 2019


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Illusions are a very dangerous tool to protect our ego and our sense of happiness. Illusions are like a very unprofitable loan with far too high interest rates. A man who instead of colliding with reality hides behind an illusion, will always pay for it. I will tell you how it all works today.

When we find ourselves in a situation that causes psychological discomfort, most of us try to minimize it as much as possible. And then the illusions appear. We do it just to feel better. But these illusions will one day, sooner or later shatter the floor and we will have to face the truth anyway. It is not without reason that the saying 'the truth will set you free' is very apt and true.

It is very easy to fall into the trap of illusion and almost everyone sometimes allows it. In most cases this is obviously unconscious. But once we realize the situation, it will be easier for us to stop and thus protect ourselves from the crown of illusion.

I will give you few eamples now.

Let's say we meet someone and we like that person a lot. And we really want to be with this person. But this man does not value us very much and he is not very interested in us. Then we can start hiding in the illusion that he is probably very shy, or that he once had a broken heart and now he is scared. Or we fall in love with a married woman who complains a lot about her husband, he does not understand her, she does not love him and will certainly divorce soon. Just waiting for a good moment. E.g. When the children will grow up, or the husband has a very hard time at work and she doesn't want to give him more stress. Or when she rewrites her fortune. Or when the mother-in-law gets well.

Of course, the illusions tell us that it is worth the wait, she certainly does not lie. We do not think, why someone who does not love her husband is married to him? Or that a good moment will not come. And if you realize that this woman will never leave her husband, that if she is with him, she wants to be with him and we are just a toy or something not important, there would be no place for illusions. Of course she will say how much she loves you. So you have to look in your face and say that the facts speak for themselves and you don't have to listen to beautiful words. You have to experience this discomfort associated with the fact that we have misplaced our feelings and this person is not for us. Then you can stop sticking and moaning. And ask stupid questions forcing a guarantee. It must be said: my love, I love you more than anything in this world, and I love you same as you love me. I'm all yours. As soon as you divorce, you know my phone number. And take care of your business. Of course it's not easy and it hurts a lot. I know how it hurts parting or clashing with the truth. It is such a shock that we have no strength and we do everything not to just die. That's all I say, I don't think it's easy. But I also don't think that everything has to be beaten around the bush. And that life is not zero one. Or that it's not black or white. But we can handle everything for sure.

When we stop being surrounded by illusions, life will become much easier. You won't have to spend hours analyzing someone's behavior. You will not lose respect for yourself.

Or a woman who does not represent too much and mainly spends the evenings watching TV with a packet of crisps can fall into the illusion that men are immature because they do not see her inner beauty. She will run away from the truth that she has something to do with herself here. Or she can say that men are simply afraid of strong women. I never heard more bullshit. The boys can be scared. But why the real man should be afraid of a strong woman? He will be more than happy to have one by his side, not hanging on him and expecting him to give her stars and fulfill all her needs.

Let those who are afraid to be afraid. But just because someone has nothing to give to another person does not mean that it is the fault of others that she/he has no luck. But it's easier to hide behind the illusion than to move your ass than and start working hard on yourself.

Another situation could be the sex only relationship in which a woman cheats on herself that it's just sex. Such a relationship is possible only in the case of two very mature people who meet for one purpose and then do not think about themselves and do not contact between meetings. And such a woman falls in love with a man who wants nothing more from her and convinces herself that she is so terribly liberated. And then she is hypnotizes the pfone and waiting for these text messages. And one day he says: listen, I like you terribly but I am not ready for a relationship, I am afraid to get involved. And she'll come up with the whole story as if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't have time, he is very busy, his heart is broken, his mother is in a wheelchair and so on, they would definitely be together for the rest of their lives. Hovewer I assure you, if he will find the one he will find time, money, energy, engagement, and all the ways to make it happen. Trust me, man can do everything if he really cares. And it would be better just not to push yourself into such relationships and not pretend to yourself that you do not want any love. Or, since you agreed to it, in fact, when the door closes behind our colleague, we throw him out of his head and from life until the next time.

Illusions must be disposed of all costs and in all aspects of life. If that will happen, we will never have to cheat on ourselves anymore. 

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