Archiwum 16 marca 2020

mar 16 2020 Who made us a checkmate ?
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Hello everyone, in these interesting times in which we live (for a long time). I would like to share with you some information about the current situation, which causes everyone to panic and terror. I am not trying to convince anyone that I am right. I want to do something different. I am very sorry to look at people who have stopped thinking independently. They stopped asking questions. And like sheep follow only that which goes before them.

I would like each of us to start at least slowly opening our eyes to what is happening around us, and get information instead of running to the store for toilet paper.

Let's start from the beginning. An outbreak of coronavirus has erupted in China. In the city of Wuhan. What's in Wuhan? Well, there is a 4th degree biological laboratory. A laboratory in which viruses are created, among others. It is definitely total coinsidence. Six weeks before the media gave the first information about the killer virus, a conference was held at the head of which was the foundation of Bill Gates and his wife and the world's greatest economists. At this conference they did a pandemic simulation. Simulation of CORONOVIRUS. The simulation concerned the effects of a pandemic, the spread of the virus and what will happen in turn (empty shelves in stores were also included). For sure it is also a complete coincidence. A few days ago, it was announced in Israel that a coronovirus vaccine would soon appear. When asked how quickly they managed to do that, they announced that THANK GOD they had been working on the coronovirus vaccine for some time. What a blessing in disguise. The question arises, why is it just a virus and not a bacteria? Bacteria can be seen under a microscope immediately, maybe that's why. Seeing the virus is not so easy, you need an electron microscope and money and time. One can always say that it is God's will. There is a saying, '' who has the most benefits of crime? Whoever commits them ''. If you do not understand what is happening, you have to face the one who will benefit.

It is always known and you do not have to be a genius to know that if you want to introduce drastic changes in society, you must do it wisely. You can't say: from today we will control you completely, every aspect of your life including when you poop. Soon there will be an affair, protests, people will defend themselves. So how do you do it? Problem - Reaction - Solution. The problem has to be created, or at least the illusion of the problem, depends on situation, there must be reaction which will bring the society to ask for the solution. And then, like a magician, the solution will be pulled out of the hat. The solution to the problem they created. This is what we are now witnessing. The magician is waiting for his magic trick, rubbing his hands. And we will immediately run begging for a solution. Voila!

When will a man agree to everything and under all conditions? In a life-threatening situation and in a panic fear of the unknown. Voila for the second time. What is happening now? Panic, people are dying massively, the virus is spreading all over the world at the speed of light, it is transmitted by droplet, on banknotes, on hands, on boobs and we should not touch anything at all because the virus is definitely lurking there. What is happening to us? EVERYONE heat the topic round, fly around the stores and stock up, and show those who have already planned our behavior, that they were right. We panic and that's it. No matter how dangerous this virus is, what matters is, if we will believe it is, and the reaction is exactly the same.

Thousands of people are dying. I would like to ask where and who are these dying people? Where are they buried? How do we know these numbers are real? All the information we have, comes from the media. And whose voice are media talking about? Who decides what we will know and what not? Exactly. Let's think about it.

Italy is in a critical situation. I personally know a dozen Italians, and I know that they are very sociable and talkative people. They love sharing information with each other. And I ask these people if any of their friends or family know someone who is sick. Until now, 1 person, 70s. And I am sure that if there were any cases in close or even distant surroundings, the Italians would surely tell each other about it. The girl of one of these boys works in a hospital in Turin, that is, in northern Italy, the most infected part of Italy. So I ask him how many people died in this hospital? Zero. It is true that they have more patients but no one has died (Thank God). So I ask, who are these dying people, where are their families, where is the evidence?

Another thing - why are there a lot of people in hospitals now?

What does the average person who develops a cold or flu do? He takes some dust, goes to sleep, and if he feels a little bad in the morning, he goes to work, because bills have to be paid. And what does a person who has the same symptoms as DEADLY HAZARDOUS VIRUS do? Irruption in panic and he flies to the doctor immediately. That's why there are so many people in hospitals.

The next aspect of the virus. Older people die of it. From a medical point of view this is not a revelation. Older people have weaker immunity, so many things are dangerous and life-threatening to them. From an economic point of view - great. People who don't work are 'parasites' for the government and the people who runs it all. They bring nothing and take money. Therefore, it would be great to reduce their number, preferably to zero. From a historical point of view - also great. Older people remember different things, and when you want to change the history, it's uncomfortable to have people who can deny it and tell the truth. In a word, benefits. Just benefits. I don't remember ever being honored in the media about older people dying because of this or that. Suddenly something has changed?

Mr. Bill Gates also predicted the matter of vaccines in his simulation. Or rather, how to vaccinate the whole world. And not only will 90% of the people line up to get vaccinated themselves, but thanks to this panic and the situation, they will also push those who don't want to get vaccinated. They will push to isolate them from society. You're welcome, the matter is settled with the hands of ordinary people, that is us, and the commanders in white gloves will not even make their hands dirty. But what is in these vaccines, no one except those who produced them knows. But let's all take. If I came to someone with a syringe saying that I have a youth potion there, I bet no one would believe me and agree to give him that potion. Is there a difference between these two situations? In my opinion, not at all. 

Cash - another thing. Suddenly the virus is on the banknotes. But all the other things were not? Our coronovirus must be so greedy that he likes coins so much. At the moment, cash is the only means of payment that is not subject to total control and surveillance. That's why you have to withdraw it as soon as possible, because how will the pieces in the game pay without the player's knowledge? This is the only physical money. Theoretically, online money doesn't exist. You can block, destroy or do something else to deprive us of them with one move of your hand. Anyway, we already had an example a few years ago. It will also be done with our hands because we are so afraid of dying by the virus that we will ask them to withdraw cash. Again checkmate.

Another curiosity that is happening right under our noses - 5G technology. Everyone is happy because we will have super fast and better internet. But the fact that this is a microwave in which our brains boil and change the genetic code, nobody cares. It will completely change our biological structure, including immunity. I have not seen anyone worry too much. People who introduce this claim that they will not do research on the harmfulness of this technology on the human body. Of course not, because without research there is no answer and then you can say that there are no negative effects. Fortunately, independent research shows how it looks. But in times of total plague and deadly virus, who would think of such stupidity?

Last thing for today. Economy. In a moment the economy will collapse to such a point that they will have to do something about it and save us. A global government will need to be put in place to fix it. Of course we will agree to that without talking. It is all for our good.

Listen, you may not agree with me. I am asking you for one thing if I can. Ask questions and search. Check every information that reaches you and decide for yourself what you believe. But I am begging you - don't panic. Someone has already really anticipated our every move and reaction. Let's not get over these chess. Let's be calm, because panic will not help at all. On the contrary. Let us not be guided by fear and hatred of others, let us not fight with each other. Fear  and panic prevent logical thinking. So once again please - calmly and I really think that there is nothing to be afraid of, if only people do not cause it themselves, with their behavior.
